- CATEGORY connections, dating mindset

How to have an Abundance Mindset in Dating
Jared Laurence
An abundance mindset in dating means knowing that there is no shortage of women out there who could be a great match for you and that you are not limited to just one or two options. It is knowing that as long as you keep working on bettering yourself you will have plenty of women who will be dying to date you.
This is something most men seem to forget. Men age like wine. Once you have your life sorted you will realize that there is an abundance of beautiful women.
There are almost 4 billion women in the world. Now lets ignore the ones who are older than 40 and younger then 18. That is still 2 billion women. Now lets say you only like 1 out of 4 women out of those. That’s still 500 million women you can date. Even if you were super picky and you only liked 1 out of a 100 women. (which is very unlikely but lets just say you do). That is still a total of 20 million women you can date. And more are added every year.
So trust me when I say this there are plenty of women in the world. You should let go of the scarcity mindset and stop being needy when it comes to finding attractive women. Here are some tips on how to cultivate an abundance mindset in dating that can help you become outcome-independent and infinitely more confident with women and dating in general.
Focus on your strengths
Instead of seeking approval and validation from external sources , particularly women, understand that you yourself are a prize. The relationship you have with you is more important than any other relationship you might have with a women. Embrace your strengths, acknowledge your worth, and approach women with the confidence of someone who has much to offer.
One way to cultivate an abundance mindset in dating is to focus on your strengths and what makes you unique. When you believe in your own value and worth, it makes you naturally confident from within.
A good exercise is to list down all the things you can do that would make people happy to have you in their life. It can be simple things like knowing how to cook food, being good with kids, being a good listener, knowing how to fight, or drive a car, swim etc.
List all the traits that you have that add value to people’s lives. Go in-depth and find things that you often forget as positive traits. Don’t stop until you have at least 20-30 items on the list. Take your time and keep adding stuff to it. This is a reminder list that keeps you grounded in terms of what you can do for the world and why you are such a prize.
Most men are logical. When you see a growing list of positive things and skills you have in life. You cannot say you are not at anything. Take away every excuse you have and focus on being the best version of yourself.
Avoid scarcity thinking
There are more women now than ever before. There is an abundance of opportunities for connection and relationships with women. Don’t fixate on one particular outcome or woman. Instead, open yourself to the possibility of meeting a variety of compatible partners. Like I said even if you were one of the most pickiest men on the planet you would still have over 20 million women you could date. So what’s your excuse?
The big issue is scarcity thinking involves believing that there are limited opportunities available to you, which can lead to feelings of fear and anxiety. Believing that you have limited opportunities is not even factually true. So stop with scarcity mindset. It makes you needy and makes women lose attraction for you.
Also if you are living in the wild or the boonies where there are no women of course you will have the scarcity mindset. Move to a city with people. Use online dating apps. Do what needs to be done to get women attracted to you.
Scarcity thinking traps you in a cycle of desperation and neediness. When you believe that there are only a few women in this world your opportunities are limited, you cling tightly to any sign of interest or attraction and end up being a needy desperate guy that turns women off. You become needy because you feel there is a lack of beautiful women in this world. An abundance mindset allows you to detach from specific outcomes becoming more outcome-independent and attractive to women.
You are not chasing her which makes her instantly more attracted to you. Women want a man who has passions and goals that are not focused on women.
Keep an open mind
It’s important to keep an open mind when it comes to dating. Don’t limit yourself to a specific type or set of criteria for what you are looking for in a partner. Be open to meeting new people and experiencing new things. The goal is to find out what you want and become a better person along the way. Learn the dating skills needed to be a better person.
You don’t need to have a relationship with every girl you meet. Some can be friends, some can be lovers, and some can be friends with benefits. Just be open to meeting new women.
When you approach interactions to impress or prove yourself to women, you’re coming from a place of scarcity. An abundance mindset makes sure you focus on giving value, offering genuine fun, and making interactions enjoyable for both of you.
You don’t depend on her in any way. If she is not interested you move on. There is no need to chase women who are not interested in you.
Focus on the journey, not the destination
Dating is not just about finding the perfect partner, it’s also about enjoying the journey and learning about yourself and others along the way. Approach dating as an opportunity for personal growth and self-discovery. Don’t turn it into a job you hate to do.
While getting good with women is definitely important you must also focus on enjoying the process and building genuine relationships with women.
Detachment allows you to approach dating with a playful and lighthearted attitude, increasing your chances of success and making you more outcome independent.
Don’t settle
Having an abundance mindset means not settling for less than what you want and deserve in a relationship. It’s important to set high standards for yourself and not compromise on your values or needs. Don’t date for the wrong reasons. Most men date women cause they are afraid to be alone. That puts you in a place of scarcity.
It is better to be with yourself than be with someone who is toxic to your life. There are plenty of fish in the sea. You just need to go where the fish are. Ask a fisherman how to fish.
Embrace rejection
Rejection is a natural part of dating, but it doesn’t have to be a negative experience. A woman’s rejection does not change your intrinsic value. Every rejection is an opportunity to learn and grow and become better as a man, and as evidence that you are taking risks and putting yourself out there.
An abundance mindset allows you to view these experiences not as personal failures but as opportunities for growth and improve your dating and people skills. Learn from each interaction, adjust your approach, and keep moving forward with the understanding that there are plenty of other fish in the sea. You as a man should not be caught up with just one man.
Surround yourself with positivity
Surround yourself with positive people who support and encourage you. This can help you maintain a positive attitude and outlook on dating. As a man you need facts and experiences to reinforce positive beliefs in you.
Its easier to have an abundance mindset when you actually have an abundance. That is what the modern success group helps you do. We have a community of highly motivated and successful men who are putting themselves out there to get better with women.
Building a social circle of supportive and like-minded individuals, both men and women can help you become truly outcome independent. That is the goal we need to have as a man.
Practice self-care
Taking care of yourself is an important part of cultivating an abundance mindset. Make time for self-care activities that you enjoy, such as exercise, meditation, or spending time with friends and family.
Maybe you like reading books, or audiobooks or painting or playing pc games. Whatever that makes you happy and helps you grow as a person you need to do it. Taking care of yourself is not selfish. As a man you first need to take care of yourself and then think of taking care of others.
Confidence and self-worth stem from a deep sense of self-love and acceptance. Embrace your individuality, celebrate your strengths, and work on areas you want to improve, not for the sake of attracting others but for your own personal growth. This genuine self-assurance radiates outwards, making you more magnetic to others. That is true charisma. Learn to love and accept yourself. Cause you are awesome my friend.
Cultivating an abundance mindset transforms your dating life from a source of stress and worry into a source of growth, joy, and enjoyment. Abundance mindset is key to you as a man to live a happy and fulfilling life. Your Goal should always be becoming the best version of yourself where your long happiness is the main goal.
Are you ready to build a stronger mindset and take control of your dating journey? Use the button below to book a Free Customized Training Call with The Modern Success Team. Become a part of the modern success vip community and level up in life.

about the author
jared lawrence
Founder And CEO Of Modern Success
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